How To Trust God’s Timing
Do you find yourself waiting impatiently for something to happen that only God can make happen? Perhaps you’re going through something painful and you’re not sure what to do and God hasn’t answered you.
We have to remember that His ways aren’t our ways. Our ideas aren’t like His, and His plans aren’t always our plans.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” – Isaiah 55:8
We like to be in control of our outcomes and processes, but things never turn out the way we expect. Patience and trust are vital in times of our wait.
Here are some tips to get you through your waiting process…
Prayer –
Don’t take things into your own hands. Instead, take time to pray. Let God speak to you. He may talk to you directly, He may talk to you through someone else. In time of prayer, ask for strength, patience, and faith. Expect Him to answer you. He wants to talk to you; however, we seldom take the time to listen. The more time we spend in His presence the more we are able to recognize His voice and when He’s telling us something. Spend time with Him. He wants to be with you.
The Word –
Study the Bible. Every promise God has ever made to His people is in the Word. His Word can direct and guide, and is nourishment to our spirit. Our spirit inside needs Him to be strong. The Bible has infinite resources to wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and peace. 2 Timothy 3:17 “It gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him.”
It also encourages. Romans 15:4-5 “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.”

Learn About Yourself –
In the waiting, you can become very self-aware of how you behave during that time. Are you waiting with a hopeful expectation? Perhaps you’re grumbling and complaining. Are you believing for your breakthrough? Perhaps God hasn’t brought your answer because you’re not ready for it. Maybe you can’t handle the blessing that’s on its way. There is a growth development we all must go through, and we have different seasons we need to be prepared for. If the answer or blessing comes too early it might end up a hindrance you can’t handle.
God may answer you in other areas of your life before answering the specific thing you’re waiting for. Is there someone you need to forgive? Are you dealing with feelings of resentment, anger, hurt in your life? God may bring up other issues for you to work on before you can have that answer you’re seeking. Surrender yourself to Him so that He can work on healing you.
Focus On Others –
Serve others while you wait. There are people who need you, therefore, take action and do something. Don’t sit and wait for your answer from Him. Yes, there are times to meditate and pray and listen, but you can’t do that all day. Figure out any emotions you have, explore them, and then get to work. If you’re lonely, be a friend to someone. If you’re sad, make someone happy. When you serve others, you take the focus off of your own problems and start to help others overcome theirs. God can then work to bring people into your life who may have the answers you’re seeking.
Be Grateful –
Be grateful for the time in waiting because it’s developing you for your next level. Change your perspective and look at what you have instead of what you don’t have. When God can trust that you’re grateful for the little things, He can then trust that you’ll be grateful for the bigger things.
Trust in Him –
This is the hard part. Wait patiently. Wait with hope and with faith that the thing you need is being worked on. Remember, God has to get all the puzzle pieces in place for you. He’s working even if you don’t see or feel it. He has plans and will use people who have a tender heart and willing spirit to help those things happen for you. God has to nudge those people and get you into their path as well. He knows better than we do, therefore, let Him take the wheel!

Remember –
God is a creative genius. He will give you what you need when you need it.
It may seem like it’s taking forever, it may seem like it won’t happen, but being negative about it won’t make it happen any faster. Wait with a joyful expectancy that God is working.
Put on peace and a humble and grateful spirit for the things He is doing in your life. Allow Him to work in you by speaking good things over your life, all while having a positive attitude, and being good to others. Enjoy your life while in waiting. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. He will come through in His perfect time.
Disclosure – Opinions are that of the owner of Hello Awesome Life. Affiliate links may be contained in post.
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